Well System Information (Water)
Consumer Confidence Report
The CCR for water quality is a summary of test results conducted to detect contaminants in drinking water. This report educates families, employees, and community members about the Oak Grove Union School District’s water quality. The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water (State Board) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require all water agencies to provide this information each year.
Of the many tests conducted, only detected elements are listed in this report. The Consumer Confidence Report includes a comparison of the Water Agency’s water to the standards set by the California State Board and the United States EPA.
For calendar year 2024, there were no reportable contaminants and no monitoring violations at the Oak Grove School Well Sites and the Willowside School Well Site.
For more information, please contact Amy Prescott, Chief Business Official, at aprescott@ogusd.org and/or 707-545-0171, #302.